Meet the CEO

The Complications Consultant is born

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to our heartfelt journey. We’re more than excited, we’re honored that you’ve chosen to walk this path with us, stepping into the world of becoming an exceptional Aesthetics injector. The thrill of embarking on this adventure with you, supporting your aspirations and dreams in the Aesthetics realm, fills our team with profound joy. My own journey began with a leap of faith, graduating from Dundee University in June 2014 with a degree in Oral Health Sciences and Dentistry, and quickly moving onto the foundational stages of injecting. It was a journey filled with dedication and perseverance, requiring two more years of immersive clinical experience in Dentistry and Facial Aesthetics before I could truly say I felt adept in my skills, enriched with the knowledge and confidence needed to ascend to Advanced and Masterclass aesthetics levels.

Since those early days, I’ve committed myself to a path of continuous learning, diving into certified, comprehensive complications management training with a singular mission in mind: to understand, to manage, and to rise above every challenge. This journey of constant learning and growth is one I embrace with open arms, eager for the wisdom each new day brings.

My perspective on non-Medic injectors has evolved dramatically. Initially skeptical, my deeper engagement with the intricacies of complications management has unveiled a broader truth: the barriers of educational gaps don’t always rest on the shoulders of those with less formal qualifications.

This epiphany led me to a profound realisation:

Imagine if we chose to lift each other up—those at the beginning of their careers, those yearning to build better futures for themselves and their loved ones. The power of such unity, such shared strength, could transform lives.

Our mission is to bridge the divide between Medic and non-Medic injectors, fostering a safer, more inclusive industry for all. Our team, with over sixty years of combined clinical wisdom, is driven by a deep passion to make our collective expertise readily accessible to every injector, eliminating the wait and worry often associated with seeking guidance. We dream of a world where support is instant, reliable, and always just a call away, far removed from the uncertainties of long waits and misinformation.

Join us on this journey, and together, let’s create a future where every injector, regardless of their starting point, has the support, knowledge, and confidence to thrive.